inverted mouse when playing half life
I wanted to try and play the half life port to ps2 on pcsx2, but since i couldnt play with a controller to save my life, i wanted to connect the mouse and keyboard to enjoy those, but doesnt matter what i did the game took moving my mouse up as down and viceversa,i did everything to fix this, obviously inverting controllers and various setting that did the same, but that never changed anything, the mouse itself, that doesnt have any sort of configuration of where it points when its connected as a USB, just has up and down inverted and im not the first to have this problem, since i saw someone had the same problem on gifthub and fixed it, but it doesnt work for me and i dont know how to download that specific version or use that fix on my game, also i cant post the gifthub thread here since i couldnt put the URL, i have no idea what to do now.

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In half-life, if you go to options -> configure controller -> player 1 controller -> default -> advanced -> and then set the invert to off it will actually change the inversion of mouse too.

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