medal of honor frontline
Hello I'd just like to say if a program came out that played ps2 games very well easy to use with no bugs ,that site would be closed down in a week wer all still injoying pcsx2 because we have to work to make it work , ok .
somrhow a medal of honor frontline (pal) ended up on my pc and im trying to run it ,i changes my bios to pal ofcorst but between finding the right cd plugin and seting it to the iso? i can not find for the life of me the starting file ioprp243.img seems to try to open it but crashes ,iv even set the drive to the iso and open the iso then i see the start up screen but crashes right after that please help and dont bother complaning about my spelling i could care less.

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Hi,next time you ask for support for a free program,it is usually better you do NOT flame it first (for no reason too).
I won't bother doing anything (including complaining about your spelling).
We could care less for your problem as well.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
lol no no i was complimenting the staff of pcsx2 for bringing people a program that will play their ps2 games on a pc , I simply said if it was to easy and user friendly sony would be all over them shuting it down ,
so people might have to dig a little to make their games to work ,
so has anyone been able to make medal of honor frontline work im still trying everything i can think of
(07-27-2009, 07:26 PM)turbodan Wrote: i can not find for the life of me the starting file ioprp243.img seems to try to open it but crashes ,iv even set the drive to the iso and open the iso then i see the start up screen but crashes right after that please help and dont bother complaning about my spelling i could care less.

That's not the file you should be opening, run it with another cdvd plugin or point Linuz ISO to the right file.

Quote:somrhow a medal of honor frontline (pal) ended up on my pc

how can you not know how it ended up there? do you own the game and made a ISO of the game yes or no? :o
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