(newbie) I can't even download the file
Hello everyone, I'm totally new here so maybe this forum isn't the place to address you (if that's the case I apologize and will delete the thread).

I just can't download the file on the main page nightly realease (V1.7.5698) 

When I click on download nothing happens on my end. At first I thought it was due to the ad and pop-up blockers, but even when disabled, nothing happens.

Any ideas how I can solve the problem?

Thanks a lot!

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try there : https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/releases
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
V1.7.5698 is being detected as a virus by anti-malware. That's why it's not showing up. It happens occasionally.

That's a false positive btw.

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