as result of talk in topic:
I have made a lovely bat script to counter the problem ;-)
its very easy to use
make new .bat file with this in it
place it in pcsx2 folder where pcsx2.exe is located
and start emulator using that pcsx2_RUN.bat
-DO NOT close small cmd window while playing ,it will AUTO close it self if u close emulator!(new updated code)
-when you first start the bat it will search and kill for any double pcsx2.exe's you might have active on pc (if they are bugged previously)
Fully functional and tested.
Have FUN!
I had to add loop command simply because otherwise kill command will not function.
I have made a lovely bat script to counter the problem ;-)
its very easy to use
make new .bat file with this in it
@echo off
TITLE TaskKiller
taskkill /f /im pcsx2.exe
if not "%minimized%"=="" goto :minimized
set minimized=true
start /min cmd /C "%~dpnx0"
goto :EOF
color 2
echo Hi there. Enjoy emulator!
echo Do Not Close me
start pcsx2.exe
timeout 1 > nul
timeout 4 > nul
taskkill /f /im pcsx2.exe /fi "STATUS eq NOT RESPONDING" > nul
taskkill /f /im pcsx2.exe /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq DIEmWin" > nul
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq pcsx2.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "pcsx2.exe">NUL
if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto EXIT
goto NOW
and start emulator using that pcsx2_RUN.bat
-DO NOT close small cmd window while playing ,it will AUTO close it self if u close emulator!(new updated code)
-when you first start the bat it will search and kill for any double pcsx2.exe's you might have active on pc (if they are bugged previously)
Fully functional and tested.
Have FUN!
I had to add loop command simply because otherwise kill command will not function.