please help me!!!!!!!!!
I have my pcsx2 9.6
I wanted to play narutimate accel 2 on my pc with this caracteristque

dual core E2200
graphic 512 Mo
640 Go free disk space

first time the game work perfect but it suddenly it stopped and vista told me that "pcsx2 has stopped working".
ANd now even when I run the program it tell me tell me the same thing before even opening the game

What should I do??????

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Go in speed hacks and use x3 cycle rate or x2
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Thank you, but are sure about that? cause I can't understand the source of the problem???
I turned it to x3 and x2 rate but still net working!!!!!!
Some naruto games work with that speedhack for some reason for some people, it's a known issue try searching for a solution in the game you could always try an older PCSX2 version too which seems to work as well, just dont expect support for it here :P
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64

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