silent hill origins
dunno if this is the right place or not but please can some1 help me setup my pcsx2 to play silent hill origins 2 ??? i read that it is playable now thanks to a new plugin Laugh please Laugh thank you very much

my pc :
1333gh intel core2quad
geforce 9800 GT 1gb
4 gb ram
windows 7 ultimate

Laugh again thanks alot

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Use the march 11 beta plugin pack. That's all.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
ok!!! i got it working!!! and the sound is ok LaughLaugh and i get around 40-45 fps!!! but there is a delay in the in the input from my controller!! like i push the analog up and after a sec he walks up!!!! what is up with that??
You're not getting full speed so everything slows down, including controller responsiveness
[Image: newsig.jpg]
is there a solution for this??? or it is a hardware issue???
Depends, probably hardware not fast enough. You should use the 1888 beta of PCSX2 if you aren't already for a speed boost. You can also try turning on some speed hacks (not all they can cause problems or even lower speed)
[Image: newsig.jpg]
thanks man Laugh you are great Laugh

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