11-23-2023, 04:38 PM
when I invert my right stick controls, fully engaging the stick doesn't do anything, it shows in the padtest.elf as 0.000 when fully engaged, although if I very lightly press my stick the input registers. this goes for both X and Y, same issue on 3 different controllers. its almost like it thinks my stick is back in neutral when fully engaged.
even though its probably against the rules here, i'm just gonna link a private youtube video of me slowly moving my stick to its limit on both X and Y while in the padtest.elf
i'm 99% sure its just me missing some kind of stupid setting, sorry to annoy if thats the case but either way i really appreciate any help that anyone can provide, thanks in advance.
even though its probably against the rules here, i'm just gonna link a private youtube video of me slowly moving my stick to its limit on both X and Y while in the padtest.elf
i'm 99% sure its just me missing some kind of stupid setting, sorry to annoy if thats the case but either way i really appreciate any help that anyone can provide, thanks in advance.