support pcsx2
i just install pcsx2 in my pc.
when i start the software, after language selection window i got the massage
the selected gs plugin failed to load
reson : the pluin report that your harware or software/drivers are not supported
"ps2 emulator pcsx2-0.9.8-r4600-binaries\plugins\gsdx-sse2-r4600.dll not supported"
please help
thanx in advance...

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try install outside the privilage folder
Main PC1:i5-4670,HD7770(Active!)
Main PC2:i5-11600K,GTX1660Ti(Active!)
PCSX2 Discord server IGN:smartstrike
PCSX2 version uses:Custom compiled buildĀ 1.7.0 64-bit(to be update regularly)
smartstk's YouTube Channel
Update Your DirectX and make sure your Graphics Card is DirectX 9.0c Capable, and install Microsoft Visual c++ Runtime 2010 x86 too.

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