based on dualcore processors (amd is phenomII comparison and intel, core 2 duo)
very high cpu power (3.6ghz for intel 4.0 ghz for amd)
also recomended high gpu power (8800gt *should* be fine with most games)
dragonquest 8
granturismo 3 and 4
shadow of the collosus
sly cooper series
valkyrie profile 2 silmeria
rogue galaxy
dragonball z budokai tenkanchi 1, 2 and 3
metal gear solid series
soul caliber 2 and 3
devil may cry series
shin megami tensei digital devil saga 1 and 2
mid range (3.0 ghz for intel 3.5 for amd)
decent graphic card required (8600gt for example)
dragonball z budokai 3
final fantasy 12
final fantasy 10-2
tales of the abyss
persona 3
persona 4
low end (2.5ghz intel core 2 duo 3.0ghz for amd)
(same graphics as midrange)
kingdom hearts 1 and 2
final fantasy 10
odins sphere
really low end (2.0 ghz for intel 2.5 for amd)
gpu - 8600 gts
disgaea 1 and 2
any 2d jrpg actually if your graphic card is the same perormance of the baove named card
there are way more games that i have played but to much of a hassle to remember

hope this list helps you