0.9.4 Discussion and Support
Important Threads
- Post your official 0.9.4 screenshots/videos here! (5 Replies)
- PCSX2 0.9.4 FAQ (0 Replies)
- Question about the Compatibility List and Ace Combat 5 (1 Reply)
- [ Final Fantasy XII ] no game. (4 Replies)
- 360 Controller (0 Replies)
- Can't run any games (crashes instantly) - will run bios (9 Replies)
- Can't use VM (1 Reply)
- EFP Polling CDVD v0.4.0? (1 Reply)
- PCSX2 games (3 Replies)
- why are games running slow on my pc? (24 Replies)
- Tekken 5, SC2, SC3 (1 Reply)
- For Anyone Having Issues with PCSX2 0.94 (1 Reply)
- Questionable Performance (2 Replies)
- Spartan Total warrior (0 Replies)
- Final Fantasy X problem (13 Replies)
- Gundam Federation vs Zaft II Plus (11 Replies)
- can pcsx2 go online? (0 Replies)
- FFX crash (2 Replies)
- PCSX2 running poorly with GOW. Suggestions? (4 Replies)
- PCSX2 configuration for Xenosaga II playing (2 Replies)
- Ar Tonelico 2 Problem (28 Replies)
- Graphic problem (7 Replies)