10-24-2009, 08:13 PM
Hey guys,
So the other day I kinda nostalgia'd for Dark Cloud and decided to give it a try on pcsx2 (My Playstation is broken, but I still got lots of my old games kicking around). I tried running it waaay back when I first tried out pcsx2 (0.9.4) and it didnt run so well, but today I figured I'd give it another shot.
I've somewhat upgraded my computer since that last time, I over clocked CPU/GPU and got myself Windows 7 the other day, very excited to play some Dx11 games. I wasnt sure if PCSX2 was gonna be compatable with win7 yet, but it seems to work good so far. With Direct3d11 I've gained atleast 20% speed bonus from Direct3d9. Also I downloaded all the latest plugins.
Anyways, Dark Cloud is working 'almost' flawlessly so far, except I have this somewhat annoying vibrating screen and was wondering if anyone has a solution to this? (sorry if this has been asked and answered before)
Its only a minor problem, but if its fixable; thats great.
Oh and BTW, how well DC2 running so far? I've always wanted to give it a try, a friend of mines got a copy of it and I'm gonna see about borrowing it later so I can make an ISO.
So the other day I kinda nostalgia'd for Dark Cloud and decided to give it a try on pcsx2 (My Playstation is broken, but I still got lots of my old games kicking around). I tried running it waaay back when I first tried out pcsx2 (0.9.4) and it didnt run so well, but today I figured I'd give it another shot.
I've somewhat upgraded my computer since that last time, I over clocked CPU/GPU and got myself Windows 7 the other day, very excited to play some Dx11 games. I wasnt sure if PCSX2 was gonna be compatable with win7 yet, but it seems to work good so far. With Direct3d11 I've gained atleast 20% speed bonus from Direct3d9. Also I downloaded all the latest plugins.
Anyways, Dark Cloud is working 'almost' flawlessly so far, except I have this somewhat annoying vibrating screen and was wondering if anyone has a solution to this? (sorry if this has been asked and answered before)
Its only a minor problem, but if its fixable; thats great.
Oh and BTW, how well DC2 running so far? I've always wanted to give it a try, a friend of mines got a copy of it and I'm gonna see about borrowing it later so I can make an ISO.