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Full Version: Pcsx2 will damage my laptop?
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(11-14-2009, 05:59 PM)decode1984 Wrote: [ -> ]You risk damage to your CPU at 60c+. If you let it get to 100c+ then you have some real problems. No matter which brand cpu you have, it will start giving out at around 60c+. Since you are on a laptop, there is not much you can do to replace the cooling on that system. You can however make sure the room you are playing in is colder, and that there is proper airflow to the laptop.

My room temp is 23°C. My cpu temp is ever over 50°C (49°C minimum), even in idle status. When i use a heavy application, like ARMAII, the temp goes to 67-68°C maximum. With pcsx2 I have reached 69°C. But never I had stability problems.

The asus nbprobe utility ever says that cpu temp is normal.
Ugh guys Smile

Well i just want long life of my PC! ;-)
My old Video Card dead because she worked at 98°C :-(
and i worry about temperature Laugh
@Uther: Have you tried a notebook cooler? Like the ones you place on the bottom of the laptop? If you get a new one, get the ones that blow air INTO the laptop rather than suck air out. If you plan on taxing your cpu all the time, your main focus should be to get the temps down. Over time, high temps kill the CPU.

@Shadow 745: Is that for a desktop? If yes, then that is a crazy temp for your GPU to work under. I would look at airflow and room temps. It could also have gone defective. You are pretty much SOL if it was a laptop. You can also try a notebook cooler as well if that's the case.
Yeah for desktop, my poor Geforce 6600GT she dead 3 years ago :-(
Now i have Ati Radeon 4850 temperature in idle 83°C and when used at full power 102°C this is Nightmare! i can't find anything for cool this beast! :-)

I can fry pancakes on my video card! Laugh
For those in the US, Use this to convert from C to F

Although I assume you can change what the program can display.
It's normal for GPU's to get hot. But DAMN thats hot. My 8800's idle at 50-53c. I would look into getting an RMA for that 4850 if it's still under warranty. And ATI cards are known to run cooler than Nvidia GPU's. Hmmm... if your old card died from that temp, and your 4850 is also getting really hot then you have bigger issues. Either you got 2 defective cards or your room temp is high. Do you have proper ventilation and airflow in your case? What is your room temp?
In my room 13°C :-)
I tryed change cooler but this not solve problem :-(
Then I would try and RMA the 4850 if possible. If you have access to another card then try it also and see if you get the same temps. Honestly, those temps are really not safe. Even for a high power card like that one.
(11-14-2009, 07:05 PM)decode1984 Wrote: [ -> ]@Uther: Have you tried a notebook cooler? Like the ones you place on the bottom of the laptop? If you get a new one, get the ones that blow air INTO the laptop rather than suck air out. If you plan on taxing your cpu all the time, your main focus should be to get the temps down. Over time, high temps kill the CPU.

Maybe, in the future. For now, better to play to games with low cpu usage.
Better i will use Emulators because they heat my video card at ~95°C
I can't play PC game Devil May Cry 4 because at very high setups she get 102°C game run smooth at 75FPS! :-)
and Crysis at Very High setups on Windows Vista run benchmark and FPS show 22~35 ;-)
yeah so sweet but so scare and i don't want play :-(
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