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Full Version: [Bug report] Metal Gear Solid 3 [PAL]
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Hi! I signed up because I wanted to report my experience with MGS3 (standard version) and PCSX2. I read that this is one of the most difficult game to emulate and I can say it's true, so I would like to know if my problem is a common bug or not.

# PCSX2 version: Official Beta 1888, Official v0.9.6 release
# CPU options: EErec on, VUrec0 and VUrec1 on, MTGS on
# Plugins used: GSdx 0.1.15 (hardware, dx9, dx10), SPU2-X 1.2.0
# Description: the game runs fine if I set native resolution (it often slows down, but I can improve that with overclock), but crashes every time a new zone is loaded if I choose a differen resolution (like 1600x900, in order to have a much improved graphic). It often crashes in the same scene too. Water always gives problems (see image).
#Happens with EE Sync Hack on Default Cycle, Misc Hacks with INTC on & off, VU Hack with status flag on on & off.

My PC:
Win XP SP3 32 bit, Win 7 64 bit
E8400 overclocked at 3,73 Ghz
4 Gb DDR2 800 Mhz
GeForce 285 GTX
Drivers: 195.65 on XP, 196.21 on 7
The game is loaded from the ISO I did from the original PAL version of the game and I'm running it in Italian. I've also tried the new plugins released few days ago, but with no luck.

[Image: snakewater.th.jpg]

Should you need more informations, please let me know: I hope I wrote everything you need.
No suggestions at all? Sad
Water problem is a known problem with the game. It should look ok with software mode.

Crashes in some areas using higher internal resolution is also a gsdx bug so you will have to use native resolution.
Thanks for the reply. At least now I know it's normal to have these bugs. Smile
(04-02-2010, 09:03 PM)Uff Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the reply. At least now I know it's normal to have these bus. Smile

but it goes too slow in sofware mode for me althoug it looks better.
I would like to update the situation of this problem: thanks to the 0.97 version now I can run at a higher res than native without having crashes. Happy
well completed on pcsx2 my fps was 50-60, but only lag place is water, still game is possible to complete, most of game parts are working without lag, just sometimes fps drops
i got blue graphic Errors. Is that normal or is my graphiccard broken?

My System
Win7 32bit
Radeon PCS+ HD5700 1gb
AMD Phenom x4 955 3.2Ghz
4gb ddr3

I tested with 0.9.7 and 9.6.
Same problems with both versions
do you have it all the time? try to change pcsx2 settings.
I had this blue thing too, but either it was only few scenes or i experimented with settings a bit, i dont remember for sure.
hmm, are you using an old version of gsdx or something? you could also try doing a full boot.

failing that it might mean your version isnt recognised by the graphics plugin and doesnt disable the post processing, in which case there's nothing you can do
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