I have installed PCSX2 0.9.6 succesfully.. and all the bois needed. but there's a problem.. Everytime I load a Game this error pops up! finding the directx 9?
Please update DirectX!
Although I've DirectX 11 installed? Im running a windows 7 starter 32-bit... can someone help me?
Im using Asus 1201N with Nvidia ION..
Having DirectX 11 doesn't mean you have the newest update.
It's like you have IE8 installed, but it still needs to be updated once a month to get rid of bugs.
Get the newest DirectX Runtime from here :
When you run it, it should ask you where to extract the files.
After you extract the files, go to the folder where you extracted the files and run the 'DXSETUP.exe' file.
Gee! Both of you thanks for the info, its running now.. I never knew that my machine's directx is not updated. I just bought it a week ago. Now the only problem I got is how to boost the speed of the game even though I've set up the speed hacks, etc. processor (ATOM Dual Core) is running at 1.6 only though.. I'm playing FFX. But it's kinda slow, but still playable I think.. (25-40 FPS?). Any tips out there on how to speed up a little? ^_^
Sorry man it looks like you're running a laptop and Intel Atom is not a high performance processor. The Centrino processors are best or AMD X2
you really need at least 2.0 GhZ even 3 is nice which laptop's won't really do.
The only way you could boost performance is tweak the O/S and avoid having unnecessary programs running.
The less processes running the better.
Yeah I know.. your right, this is only a netbook. I just want to try it though. Well maybe I can still play some games like 2-Ds? And I think its not that bad! In FFX, I can play at a speed of 30-35 FPS! And when in menu its 60+ FPS! ^_^ Thanks for the tips! I'll try that.
2D RPGs like Disgaea, Atelier Iris or Mana Khemia may run better than FFX.
In any case, enjoy your portable PCSX2. =b