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And perhaps another save state related bug: after trying to load a state (usually after having played for a pretty long time), this happens:


The emulation itself freezes and won't start up again until I close and reopen the program. (Though the program closes normally - I don't have to use task manager or anything.)

Using Windows 7 BTW
This has already been fixed on the SVN
Bringing this up, to see some possible solution to this irritating issue.
In 0.9.6 Alt+Tab just caused frameskip mode to toggle, which was uncomfortable, but bearable.
In 0.9.7, however, Alt+Tab doesn't do this, instead it does the "focus lost on the GS window" thing.
Yes, there are several ways to make special keys (Esc, F1, F3, Tab) work again - going into any menu ("Emulation Settings", for example) and exiting, or closing GS window and doing "Resume" (though for me GS window sometimes appear minimized and won't show itself no matter what), but it's still frustrating.
(06-16-2010, 05:39 AM)anito9999 Wrote: [ -> ]Dont put your trust too much on savestates they are unstable and sometimes tend to corrupt memory card saves or crash the emu

I just use them so I don't have to go through 10-15 minutes of long dialogue in FFX, like all they ever do in that game is talk!

I click PCSX2 0.9.7 window (not the console or GS output, the actual PCSX2 0.9.7 program) and I save and load states via the 'system' drop-down menu. Usually I just fast boot from the ISO and then load state to get back to where I was if I had a crash or I wanted to continue without loading a save game the proper way.

I haven't gotten problems most of the time, but I still save regularly just in case.

Your save states won't work with newer or older versions of PCSX2 though.
Understanding some basics of sstates helps avoiding some traps. The save game is a memory snapshot and should be seen as such and not a substitute for the normal save.

Save states aren't unstable more than the game was when it was taken, still some rules applies:

1 - Save states does not introduce corruption but can perpetuate existent ones.
When the game is saved normally it saves only the information the code needs to rebuild the actual situation. Those include characters and quests states and anything more the code takes as necessary and that can't be preview in a way to allow creating more specific save states.
When reloaded from the memcard those information enough to rebuild the current situation and position in game are retrieved and everything else redone anew from the disk/image, this grants whatever error introduced before are minimized and corruption like some introduced by wrong patch/cheat may be eliminated.

That's not true for save states since it will reconstruct the memory as it was and so all existent corruption will be there, since they perpetuate corruption new corruptions will just accumulate...

Take one: Create Normal saves whenever possible, mainly between games sessions, and load the new session from it. Still savestates are wonderful and a lifesaver in the between. It's a good practice loading from the memcard and immediately creating a fresh save state, to grant it as clean as possible.

2 - Some stats may rely on the normal save before being effectively commited.

That means skipping some important story change may never have the intermediary states 'logged' into the actual game. Although I don't know cases of that it's still a possibility.

Take two: Create Normal saves whenever possible, mainly between games sessions, and load the new session from it. Still savestates are wonderful and a lifesaver in the between. It's a good practice loading from the memcard and immediately creating a fresh save state, to grant it as clean as possible.

3 - Save states can and probably will be incompatible between different versions of the emulator... that one is already known by most but allows to:

Take three: Create Normal saves whenever possible, mainly between games sessions, and load the new session from it. Still savestates are wonderful and a lifesaver in the between. It's a good practice loading from the memcard and immediately creating a fresh save state, to grant it as clean as possible Smile

There is more to be said about sstates to demystify some assumptions about as good or bad or corrupting it is. But I think those above are enough to show the importance of the "takes" (first thought spelling lessons but it could be misinterpreted).

The save state is a wonderful thing but should be used correctly and never abused. It's unpaired in it's capacity of retaking from a bad step and can be a lifesaver too when playing enough to get to the next save point is impossible or too difficult. But the normal save and normal load step should be redone whenever possible. It's very important to notice it's not enough just normal save, What really can clean some corrupted state introduced in game for whatever reason is the "normal load", from the most possible clean normal save, try and avoid accumulating corruptions.
I'm sorry for bringing this up yet again, but please, can someone tell me what to do about this?
Question: how it relates to savestates?
What exactly is the problem anyway?
I can use alt+tab for its intended use just fine.
(08-28-2010, 06:40 PM)Question Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sorry for bringing this up yet again, but please, can someone tell me what to do about this?

If you're using lilypad controller plugin change the keyboard API to DirectInput.
(08-28-2010, 07:01 PM)nosisab Ken Keleh Wrote: [ -> ]Question: how it relates to savestates?
Look at the first post carefully, it's exactly the same issue ("special" keys won't work after alt-tab'ing), only under a different name.
(08-28-2010, 07:08 PM)rama Wrote: [ -> ]What exactly is the problem anyway?
I can use alt+tab for its intended use just fine.
The problem, as I said earlier, was that after alt-tabbing out of pcsx2 special keys (f1,f3,esc,f5,tab) won't work (that is - they do absolutely nothing) and you need to go into any menu ("Emulation Settings", for example) and exiting it, or closing GS window and using "Resume" to make them work again.
(08-28-2010, 08:34 PM)Shadow Lady Wrote: [ -> ]If you're using lilypad controller plugin change the keyboard API to DirectInput.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I don't know if I ever changed that by myself or what but now I can use alt-tab without this annoying thing! Thank you!
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