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Full Version: Tales of Legendia not working
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Strange;] if undub fixes speed, maybe it has some serious slowdowns from SPU2 side;P. You still need to buy japanese version to get a legit undub of english version which makes your words a bit unclear for the rules.

Anyway I wonder if it has anything to do with different codec or compression, couse by looking at bilingual games with eng/jap voices, japanese ones are usually bigger. Maybe the crappiness of english voice actors gets higher compression or something. Or maybe it's the other way in this game and the person making undub compressed jap voices more to fit on english disc? Anyway seems an interesting find;P.
I have the english ntsc version of the game and it works fine, 60fps in most places, I know this game uses gsdx crc hacks so perhaps he has a game with an unknown crc causing the slowdown in gsdx. (or he is using an old gsdx version)
the game with direct 3D11 works better than directx9
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