Doesn't work.
I'm using MotionJoy. The vibration works when I test it with MotionJoy but when I select the PS3 controller in LilyPad and test it, nothing happens.
MotionJoy v5.0003
LilyPad v0.10.0 (r2930)
I noticed in the LilyPad configuration window, there's a box that says DualShock 3 native mode but it's grayed out and says requires libusb. Libusb is an old driver for the PS3 controller right?
libusb is an open source library for USB data transfer, but I don't ever remember there being a Windows version of it, but then again I never looked; I've only ever used it on my Debian OS's.
after you download it you choose the folder that is the same like your OS (for 32bit os the x86 one or for x64 the amd64 one) and you create and inf installer (in the options of the installer you have to select the controller from a list of staff) after you make the installer you run it and install the driver. after that you maybe also have to copy the 2 libusb0 files to the pcsx2 main folder but thats just a guess
Although iako is probably right(and I am pleased to be proved wrong) I advise using
the official site for the sake of updates.
wow i didnt knew there is a site for that thingy [thanks Seizmik even though i am not the OP

] (i should have looked cause i use it for my psp)
after following links in the site, thats the download section for every update for that thingy
(windows version ofc)
That was probably the biggest fail of my file. I installed the driver and noticed my controller wasn't working. I unplugged it, plugged it back and and got an instant BSoD.
Now my controller isn't even recognized. I think libusb is interfering with my MotionJoy drivers.
device manager and find your ps3 controller (or from devices and printers page in control panel) select it and uninstall the drivers of it. i hope this will fix your problem
I manually uninstalled LibUSB and uninstalled MotionJoy. Then I did a fresh re-install of MotionJoy and the controller seems to be working.
(08-21-2010, 08:49 AM)DarkFang Wrote: [ -> ]I manually uninstalled LibUSB and uninstalled MotionJoy. Then I did a fresh re-install of MotionJoy and the controller seems to be working.
Working as in uses rumble features? If not then use an external program like xPadder to map the keys. IIRC you can also config rumble settings in xPadder.