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video, can you tell me if this should be really okay for a Computer like:
Intel Core i3 with 2.2ghz,
1307mb of video memory and
4gb of ddr3 ram?
yeah cause maybe this video is not that hard to emulate. ingame there will be lots of problems with speed on your cpu on many games (still it would be ok for ffx kh etc)
Does an i3 computer will work properly with both spyro games at least (like new beg. & eternal night)?
I want to know this because I'll buy my new computer tomorrow.
I haven't an i3 computer already.
i3 is not that different from core 2 cpu's. the thing that matters the most is the clock speed and 2.2 is low for pcsx2
i personally have a core i3 540 at 3.07ghz with 8 gigs of ddr3 ram, before i installed my ati radeon hd 5770 I was running pcsx2 on the default onboard intel gma hd , i could run with a d3d interal rez of 768x768 and games were playable (kh 1 , kh2 , ffx ) but i had some slowdowns here or there nothing major. although capable of running pcsx2 at low rez I would suggest upgrading your card nd perhaps overclock your processer to 3ghz or upgrade. since intalling the ati radeon hd 5770 I can now run most games in hd res with very little to no slowdowns.
yeah cause 3.1 is allooooooot faster than 2.2

haha nice 1 iakoboss7... well overclocking an i3 is a good choice but.. for me i preferred the core 2's than i3 and i5.. well i7 is a different story since its a well developed i series...
try overclocking it dude... you can pm me if u really want to overclock an i3
you need 2 cores boost to at least 4.7 Ghz to have at least 30 FPS
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