09-11-2010, 01:03 PM
09-11-2010, 01:21 PM
(09-11-2010, 01:03 PM)tkman Wrote: [ -> ]What qualities does a pc need to play tekken 5 perfectly
Tekken 5 can not run full speed (perfect) now, even you have powerful CPU the game only run at 40-50 (NTSC), of course game's menu can run at 60fps because it is in 2D!
I think because it is not fully compabitility with current builds of PCSX2...
09-11-2010, 01:30 PM
I think 40-50 fps is fine. but how much should fps be really?
09-11-2010, 01:38 PM
NTSC game should run at 60 fps, if it run at 40-50 fps you can notice the game is running slow, you ask about perfect and 40-50 is not perfect!
40-50 fps is very fine with PC's game, but PCSX2 game it is not good! Of course it is playable but it not good and perfect!
40-50 fps is very fine with PC's game, but PCSX2 game it is not good! Of course it is playable but it not good and perfect!

09-11-2010, 01:48 PM
thank you. you gave me some nice info. i'm playing my games with about 50 fps except of tekken which is near 35 fps. u can check out my system. How much ghz do u i think i should have in order to reach 50 fps in tekken?
09-11-2010, 02:36 PM
(09-11-2010, 01:48 PM)tkman Wrote: [ -> ]thank you. you gave me some nice info. i'm playing my games with about 50 fps except of tekken which is near 35 fps. u can check out my system. How much ghz do u i think i should have in order to reach 50 fps in tekken?
I think you need at least 3.5Ghz Core 2 Duo or better to reach 50/60fps in Tekken, of course it is not alway stable at 50, sometime it will drop down...You have 9400GT, it is little weak for PCSX2, you need better GPU.
I have Core 2 Duo 3.3GHz, ATI HD4850 and i can play Tekken 5 at about 40-45 fps average.