when the dialogue says, please step up...... and then i try use arrow key but still i cant move
i use both lily and ssspsx something like that
but still i cant use arrow key
please help thanks
You need to configure in Lilypad the left analog stick to move in Kingdom Hearts (and a lot of other games)
i try 1st and i update on it..... btw great site =)
(10-05-2010, 01:06 PM)Bositman Wrote: [ -> ]You need to configure in Lilypad the left analog stick to move in Kingdom Hearts (and a lot of other games)
but im stuck at the door...... how do i choose examine?
With the other keys you had configured before

The Left Analogue stick is for moving, the D-Pad is for navigating the little Command Menu. Just press up or down until you get to Examine and then press X. ^__^~
Thanks2 very much
sorry for late reply i got the answer but your site is ok too(from uncle google)
btw just asking off topic
kh2 and dark cloud support?
You're welcome
Kingdom Hearts 2 I play often on PCSX2, and it's support is near perfect. I mean near PERFECT. I have only seen two small problems with it ever, one is on the Save screen, there's a small white line on the pointer glove, and the other is... well has slipped my mind. Either way it's almost entirely perfect and even the things that aren't are 100% playable.
Dark Cloud on the other hand I have never played, and I am not sure of it's support other than the PCSX2 Official Support list.