Game won't run on micro/superVU, speed hacks disabled. Running from iso on pcsx2 r3916 linux, zzogl, spu2-x. Tested on pcsx2 r3881 (latest oficial beta build) and it didn't work either.
Here's the console output:
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 50.00 fps
(IsoFS) Block 0x10: Primary partition info.
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_217.23;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
(IsoFS) Block 0x10: Primary partition info.
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_217.23;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
Impossible block clearing failure
Tried it with ZZogl in windows and it worked, could be specific to linux or you got a bad ISO or ionno.
Try running it with both Boot CDVD (fast) and Boot CDVD (full).
I've tried both and it didn't work. Gonna try ripping the game again, thanks for your feedback.
Just got my hands on Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol.1 and it also crashes on the latest svn just like Vol.2, I've tried reading from an ISO and from my original DVDs but it didn't work.
Here's the error log from FFBA Vol.1:
Quote:/home/wingnux/pcsx2-read-only/common/src/Utilities/Linux/LnxHostSys.cpp(57) : assertion failed:
Function: void SysPageFaultSignalFilter(int, siginfo_t*, void*)
Thread: MTGS
Condition: false
Message: Unhandled page fault @ 0xb2acfec8
[00] 0x0xb4881aac
[01] TransferHostLocal32(void const*, unsigned int)
[02] ZeroGS::TransferHostLocal(void const*, unsigned int)
[03] void _GSgifTransfer<2>(unsigned int const*, unsigned int)
[04] GSgifTransfer3
And here's for Volume 2:
Quote:/home/wingnux/pcsx2-read-only/common/src/Utilities/Linux/LnxHostSys.cpp(57) : assertion failed:
Function: void SysPageFaultSignalFilter(int, siginfo_t*, void*)
Thread: MTGS
Condition: false
Message: Unhandled page fault @ 0xb28cfec8
[00] 0x0xb4aa7aac
[01] TransferHostLocal32(void const*, unsigned int)
[02] ZeroGS::TransferHostLocal(void const*, unsigned int)
[03] void _GSgifTransfer<2>(unsigned int const*, unsigned int)
[04] GSgifTransfer3
This may or may not be related but both Fatal Fury compilations still crash upon boot as of r5176. I got around the crash by extracting SELECT.ELF from the disc and booting with that instead.
What's even weirder is that upon initial start up the game thought my memory card was unformatted. I made a backup and clicked OK to format it, but it gave a message along the lines of 'internal memory card error 9'. So I saved from the main menu and the problem went away. The games seem playable, you just need to boot from select.elf (not the main elf)
SNK's other PS2 compilations have none of these problems
Hi, another thread bumped by me but I've noticed something I think you devs out there might want to look at with regards to PCSX 2 crashing on boot with this game. Firstly, it also happens with the PAL Art of Fighting collection, and secondly I seem to have found a way to stop the crash happening which seems to suggest that something a little funky is happening somewhere:
Change the graphics plugin before you boot the game. That's it, you can even select the same plugin that you were the already using as long as you select something and hit apply. The logo screens are strangely cut off at the top but the game will now boot fine instead of crashing the emu. I'll also note that it will sometimes boot without doing anything out of the ordinary but I've found no pattern to suggest why.
Incidentally, the faulting module when it does crash using GSDx for me is GSdx32-SSSE3.dll, and ntdll.dll or the plugin dll if I'm using ZeroGS.
EDIT: Or maybe not. I thought I had a repeatable pattern but now it doesn't seem that way. I'm puzzled.
EDIT 2: Ok, after more testing I think I was whistling dixie with my suggestion. That said, it's still really strange. It sometime does seem as if playing around with the menus does increase the chances of it booting without a crash, but it could be it just seems that way and a successful boot is random. I'm almost reminded of some of the rituals I used to believe in to get C64 games to load back in the day
EDIT 3: Forgot to mention that it is possible to successfully boot with 100% certainty by booting with GSnull as the plugin and then loading gsdx afterwards.
Well I just had this problem (again) with 2014.12.03 build and almost forgot how to get around it! The method I posted earlier wasn't working anymore and I just remembered why.
For future reference, know that you can't launch an elf from PCSX2 if it's inside a folder that contains kanji or other symbols. Also you have to drag and drop the ISO into pcsx2 first, then the elf.
PS. I had no luck with the plugin switching method... again though it may be because of the Japanese folder name (this is NTSC-J version BTW)
The games now boot on Windows, so the issue mentioned by synce has been solved. Don't know about the original issue, as it's Linux only.
Well linux supports GSdx very well now. So I'm not sure bug report is still valid.
(09-07-2016, 04:21 PM)gregory Wrote: [ -> ]Well linux supports GSdx very well now. So I'm not sure bug report is still valid.
Doesn't "Impossible block clearing failure" indicate it's a core issue?