Well thats it, well to be more expecific i don't know if it freezes, it's just that the screen gets black and nothing more happens, just after the fmv of yuna sending the people that sin just killed on killika (Kirika), can someone hlp me pleas
pcsx2 version ?
plugins settings ?
error in the console log ?
(12-16-2010, 08:22 PM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]pcsx2 version ?
plugins settings ?
error in the console log ?
Version: beta.r 18888 - Sep 20 20009 (VC9)
plugins settings
[Image: sinttulozka.png]
my problem is, that i downloaded the iso wich is a full instaler that includes the emulator so i dont know how the heck i change it

Quote:my problem is, that i downloaded the iso wich is a full instaler that includes the emulator
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