Hello guys and girls just would appreciate some help in configuring my emulator to make the most of mgs3 subsistance, my pc is pretty strong so i dont think thats the issue i run an i7 920 with 6 gig ram and a gtx295 ino its not insane but from what i read so far it should be enough the game in gameplay looks amazing n runs at 60fps slows abit in cgi's and theres the water glitch i have the 0.9.7 version im running it in dx10hardware mode with 8bit textures i have not configured any speed hacks or touched the ee/iop or vus and gs settings iv just enhances the resolution to 1920 1080, im using gsxdx sse4 and yes the game is my legit copy i was running it from the cd/dvd drive but i read somewhere here that if I run it from an iso it helps so i got Lciso creator and got it working from that I have also heard people running the game at over 60Fps with less power full pc than mine so i thought maybe im doin something wrong but above all i would love to fix the water graphic glitch that happens.
ps please forgive my complete and utter crap spelling : / I know its bad
Not a bug report, moved.
Water bug is known and only works fine using a (Software) renderer in GSdx as far as I know.
Unless you overclock the i7 920 you should expect slowdown but post your settings and show us screenshots of your problems (including the EE/GS% data in the latest beta) so we can try to help.
That's all I got from the wall of text

(01-19-2011, 01:12 PM)Shadow Lady Wrote: [ -> ]Not a bug report, moved.
Water bug is known and only works fine using a (Software) renderer in GSdx as far as I know.
Unless you overclock the i7 920 you should expect slowdown but post your settings and show us screenshots of your problems (including the EE/GS% data in the latest beta) so we can try to help.
That's all I got from the wall of text 
oh thanks for the reply was sooner than i expected to get a response,
during gameplay my fps is solid 50 and the ee goes from 68% to about 80% and average of 73% just bounces around depending what is goin on and the gs goes from 50% to about 98% depending what i am looking at eg sky walls ect ect during some cutscenes the ee can reach 98% like during the scene of the boss's defection for the most part it dose as mentioned above though,
also the only settings i have change is to dx10hardware mode using 1920 x 1080 resolution texture filtering is on and 8 bit textures is also on,
please let me know if there is certain settings that i should have on to boost overall performance,
overall i cant really complain the game runs pretty good i was just hoping to get the most visuals/performance out of it as it is my favorite game and iv always wanted to play it on my pc as it looks better than it dose on my ps3/ 50inch screen and lastly not sure if I needed to say this in my earlier thread my 17 920 is a q4 not sure if there is any other versions of it but i was just dumb founded how people with 2q are getting better fps than I am and thats why i was wandering if i should be tampering with the settings?
ps sorry for the walls of text yet again :X