I Need some information on converting the files i retreived from my ps2 memory card. I found a guide on here for the mymc and save builder but after i found the right format and converted the files they didnt regester when i went to go try a game with them.
I need some specifics as how to get this to work.
My ps2 was memory card hacked thats how i was able to pull the mc files from it, not sure if that will help my cause or not.
1.How did you extract the saves from your ps2 card
2.To what format or just as folder
Well i have the mem card exploit + the elfs or w/e i think i used the ulanchelf to copy and move the files over to a usb flash drive.
I pull the files clean off the memory card and just put them in a folder.
and when i used save builder i would chose, new
then i would add the hashed looking file baslus-2096 ect*
then i would add the static ico then the icon .sys
Then i saved it as xps because thats the only format mymc seemed to work with.
1.If you use uLaunchELF to backup your saves,it's always best to use Copy=>psuPaste to create .psu copy of your save(this is 100& copy of your save and it will save you from using ps2 save builder)
When you ave your psu saves,just open your pcsx2 memory card and import your psu saves into it(this is the whole process with psu saves)
If you want to use folders(this is not safe because some saves put some special data which is lost if you copy your saves as folders)and the making a usable save with ps2 save builder.
When you open the save builder,for Root/ID used the name of the folder and just drag-drop all the files from the folder into the save builder and save as max,cbs or any of the mymc supported formats.
Once you are done,the process is the same as with psu saves
So when i copy it over i am selecting the folders or the individual save file ? and from there it should give me this "Copy=>psuPaste" option ?
When your are inside your ps2 memory card(by using ulaunchelf),just mark all of the saves you want to backup by using the "X" button(a black dot will appear to the folder)and when you are done,just highlight some of the selected saves(what is highlighted even if it's not marked,it's also counted as a save that you want to backup)and press R1,then choose the Copy command with "O",go back your usb,press R1 again and use psuPaste
KK did that about to try importing them
hopefully it will work this time.
Well if you do everything correctly,there is no way it won't work...this is how I put my saves into pcsx2 memory cards
Final fantsy xii the data didnt copy over am i missing something ?
I copyed all the files over that i knew were saves did i have to copy all the files or what?
Also sorry for the dobble post but i figured i would put it out there that the front mission 4 data copyed but the ffxii didnt.
Just mark or highlight the save folder inside the card,not the files inside the save folder and then just R1=>Copy=>go to mass:// =>R1=>psuPaste=>plug the usb into your pc and copy the saves to wherever you want=>open mymc-giu and open your memory card with it=>import your psu saves and that's all
Keep in mind that if you are not using the portable version of pcsx2,maybe you are trying to import the saves the some card that pcsx2 don't use