use the latest stable release 0.9.8
OK make sure you are using Gigahertz CDVD plugin if you are using a DVD make sure you copy it into ISO using imgburn
then chose the ISO with ISO selector
(07-25-2011, 08:56 PM)abdo123 Wrote: [ -> ]OK make sure you are using Gigahertz CDVD plugin if you are using a DVD make sure you copy it into ISO using imgburn
then chose the ISO with ISO selector
Lol I already did all my other games work fine so idk if it was my plugins or anything
(07-25-2011, 08:58 PM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]use fast boot ?
i tryed fast boot as well and it still says dvd player not set up
could be a faulty iso, then.?
try with your original DVD with Gigahertz dvd plugin, as abdo said.
Sorry i feel stupid i was loading the bonus dvd not the game >.>
(07-25-2011, 09:29 PM)Gilgastorm Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry i feel stupid i was loading the bonus dvd not the game >.>
LMFAO i just did the exact same thing and for the life of me couldnt figure it out.....