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Hm i wonder what is better Pcsx2_PG_TLB or Pcsx2_PG_VM ?? IS there any diffrence ?
It's the same as the official TLB and VM builds of PCSX2.
VM is usually faster (not by much though),with a couple of games working better in the TLB version
Ok thanks for info
For added reference, take for example SMT:Nocturne.

In VM, there are areas I'd get 52-55FPS, in TLB, I'd get 70FPS(Uncapped)

That's one of the rare games that performance is actually improved in.(Most SMT games are, not sure way)
Old SMT, not new. Nocturne, DDS1 and DDS2 use old ATLUS engine, and for them VM build got a little performance drop, but it's reason is uncertain. For P3, P3Fes, P4 and SMTLaughevil Summoner there is no seems difference.
quando eu coloco o meu emule pra rodar ele dá uma mensagem assaim:

the espicified bios file was not found. A bios is required for Pcsx2 to run.

File not found

mesmo assim. o q eu fasso,Wacko porfavor mim ajudem eu to afimzão de jogar ps2 nunca tive um sempre quis ter.. meu imail: [email protected]... orkut:[email protected]....
quando eu coloco o meu emule pra rodar ele dá uma mensagem assaim:

the espicified bios file was not found. A bios is required for Pcsx2 to run.

File not found

mesmo assim. o q eu fasso,Wacko porfavor mim ajudem eu to afimzão de jogar ps2, nunca tive um, sempre quis ter.. meu imail: [email protected]... orkut:[email protected]....
quando eu coloco o meu emule pra rodar ele dá uma mensagem assaim:

the espicified bios file was not found. A bios is required for Pcsx2 to run.

File not found

mesmo assim. o q eu fasso,Wacko porfavor mim ajudem eu to afimzão de jogar ps2 nunca tive um sempre quis ter.. meu imail: [email protected]... orkut:[email protected]....
You can't use PCSX2 without owning a PS2... This is because you must legally own a bios and dump it from your legal PS2.

This is also an english only forum and thus it's required that in the future you post in english or use google translator http://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT#

GiGante Wrote:when I put my emule pra run it gives a message assaim:

espicified the bios file was not found. The bios for Pcsx2 is required to run.

File not found
filename: bios

anyway. QI fasso, Wacko porfavor me to help me afimzão to play ps2 never had one always wanted ..

You also were not supposed to bump a really old topic, especially one that has nothing to do with what you were asking.
ei: P desculpa de português tá em ... mas me responde, juro q não pertubo mas .. assim como tenho um ps2 q ter .. eu tenho, mas não pega e tentei baixar o bios mas não consigo estalar, nem sei se ser .. ta tudo louco: S não sei onde tem q colokar o MALDITO BIOSBlink como faço isso [img] http:// [/ img] [img] http:// [/ img] mas valeu mesmo por ter respondido .. Obrigado e desculpa pela falta de esperiênsia.
ei cadê minha foto e ta tudo escrito errado!!!!!!
eu escrivi serto mas saiu errado, foi mal...
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