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Full Version: Kingdom Hearts Settings Help!
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Sliding it to 6 actually made the game look pretty good. I like how the sorta hard to explain lines make the game look awesome. The 3 man boss fight also went from 30- to 50-65 FPS. And Its not lagging at all. Just getting my ass kicked cause i'm level 3 and its Proud Mode haha.
I want to replay Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, then try the PSP one; I can't remember the name, but it's the one with Aqua in. Trouble is, I'm already playing hack//GU, Xenoblade, Xenosaga and maybe FFX-2 (it just crashed and I hadn't saved since starting).
well thatl throws out the fun of the game if u have to restart again Tongue I had that same error with some other game. I was fiddling with the settings and bam I couldn't get the emulator to run back to normal, so it crashed, oh well Tongue
(09-10-2011, 08:42 AM)XGP0001 Wrote: [ -> ]Sliding it to 6 actually made the game look pretty good. I like how the sorta hard to explain lines make the game look awesome. The 3 man boss fight also went from 30- to 50-65 FPS. And Its not lagging at all. Just getting my ass kicked cause i'm level 3 and its Proud Mode haha.
I dunno if I'm actually allowed to bump a post from such a long time ago, I've read the global rules and they didn't actually mention anything about bumping... but how did you slide the speedhack thingy to 6?
My maximum speedhack thingy only goes to 3. Are you talking about the preset thingy where you can choose presets, from 1 to 6 (1 being the least speedhacks, 6 the most speedhacks)?
I really hope I'm not breaking any rules for posting on such an old topic but my Kingdom Hearts is slow at certain times and I want full speed, and since my computer seems better than yours and you seem to have no lag at all, as you said. Can anyone still help? I think this topic could be useful for further discussing on the best settings for KH.
(03-16-2013, 08:33 PM)Toby Wrote: [ -> ]I dunno if I'm actually allowed to bump a post from such a long time ago, I've read the global rules and they didn't actually mention anything about bumping... but how did you slide the speedhack thingy to 6?
My maximum speedhack thingy only goes to 3. Are you talking about the preset thingy where you can choose presets, from 1 to 6 (1 being the least speedhacks, 6 the most speedhacks)?
I really hope I'm not breaking any rules for posting on such an old topic but my Kingdom Hearts is slow at certain times and I want full speed, and since my computer seems better than yours and you seem to have no lag at all, as you said. Can anyone still help? I think this topic could be useful for further discussing on the best settings for KH.

he meant he set the preset to 6 - agressive
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