when i play valkyrie profile 2
FMV ok but the gameplay and cutscene got serious graphic problem is there any fix for this problem???
gameplay fps is about 30 fps below with speedhack is my com problem???
VU stealing mild
hardware D3d10 native origin
thank you
core i7 1.73ghz
4gb ram
ATI HD 5470 1gb
window 7 64 bit
Yes you need to overclock your I7 to atleast 2.8 Ghz. If its a PC and not a laptop then you can overclock it easily. You may want to buy a extra fan for for it. Can you show us the graphical error in a screenshot by pressing Shift + F8.
For graphic problem try with software mode in GSdx (F9 while playing).
As for speed, you'll simply need a much faster CPU.
intel core i7 1.73ghz
ATI HD 5470 1gb
4gb ram
window 7 64 bit
valkyrie profile 2 how to fix it???
software mode very slow 10fps below
hardware mode 35fps to 51fps
try gsdx skipdraw settings. not much else. your computer is really low level for pcsx2. you lil pest.

(10-01-2011, 04:32 AM)xstyla Wrote: [ -> ]try gsdx skipdraw settings. not much else. your computer is really low level for pcsx2. you lil pest. 
it doesn't matter how low level his cpu is he still shouldn't be getting these glitches. Also his gpu isn't bad either ( I had a HD5450 and was able to run game at 2x or even 3x native at full speed Star Ocean 3 that is)
Why are u using dx10 I think your gpu supports dx11 doesn't it?
in fact it does according to amd website:
(10-01-2011, 04:44 AM)Qaddafi Wrote: [ -> ]it doesn't matter how low level his cpu is he still shouldn't be getting these glitches. Also his gpu isn't bad either ( I had a HD5450 and was able to run game at 2x or even 3x native at full speed Star Ocean 3 that is)
Why are u using dx10 I think your gpu supports dx11 doesn't it?
in fact it does according to amd website:
Yes he is supposed to get these glitches, they are known GSdx bugs. Nothing you can do but use software mode and in some cases even that doesn't help in Valkyrie Profile 2. Also DX10/11 modes are exactly the same in GSdx, so as long as it is not DX9, he's fine.
Quote:valkyrie profile 2 how to fix it???
software mode very slow 10fps below
hardware mode 35fps to 51fps
Yes as everyone told you software mode is slow and your CPU is slow. So either use hardware mode and get the bugs, or use software mode and get slowdowns or get a new PC.