If you are new and you need a guide this is for you
Hello everybody few weeks ago i decided to upload to youtube a PCSX2 Guide for Maximum Speed without bugs (Graphics Bugs) .
So here is the video:

Hope you like it.
Sorry for bad English.
Video removed, distributing BIOS files is illegal and thus against our rules here which you probably didn't bother to read.
In addition the settings you use in your video WILL cause games to hang or not work at all, so just because you didn't get any bugs with the games you tried does not mean they are safe.
(12-01-2011, 02:57 PM)Bositman Wrote: [ -> ]Video removed, distributing BIOS files is illegal and thus against our rules here which you probably didn't bother to read.
In addition the settings you use in your video WILL cause games to hang or not work at all, so just because you didn't get any bugs with the games you tried does not mean they are safe.
Wow that sucks... ><
Sorry for posting bios files ,
Have a nice day