HI , i am actually having a problem regarding burnout revenge .The loading bar goes fine and in the next page of profile when the game says for profile I select new profile and when I click X nothing happens but the game runs the music also comes but no next page ..please help what to do.
In order to help you further with your problem, please make sure the following are all provided.
- Your hardware specs - CPU, Graphics Card, Memory, Operating System.
- The version of PCSX2 you are using.
- Any non default settings you are using.
- If you are playing the game from ISO or DVD.
Thank You.
core 2 duo e7500 2.93 overclocked to 3.4ghz 9500gt 1gb 4 gb ram ddr2 win 7 pcsx2 0.9.9 svn 5051 all default settings and game playing from ISO.
in 0.9.8 pcsx2 show status +in game and the problem persists
There is probably something wrong with your ISO, create it again from your DVD disc using imgburn
I made a iso via imgburn but the problem persists again.I tried the dvd using my frnd's ps2 it worked fine.
Have anybody got this type of issues in burnout 3 .If you have got the issuse solved plz help me also