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Full Version: which is th best pcsx2 to play game
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should techpowerup do di work
Why bother downloading a program just to see what you have...?

Run dxdiag (DirectX Diagnostics) as I said, which is already on your computer, and look in the Display tab.
what should dxdiag do
Dxdiag would basically show your hardware info which we need to confirm that your hardware is good for nothing, or can do a bit, you type dxdiag in any command line, you can find one in windows start menu near the exit button and press enter, first tab will show your cpu details, second gpu, but a google with the pic title you posted just confirms, you can forget about most games, except maybe some 2D tactical games in native res.
Among important from pcsx2 point of view hardware, you have:
CPU: Turion II x2 2,3ghz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 4250
Hopefully Turion II isn't as slow and theoretically at least counting turion II would be similar in performance to athlon/phenom II - 2,3ghz dual core with speedhacks should run a fair bunch of games at near or even full speed, ofc no dreaming about any demanding games like MGS, GTA, GT(and most other classics), but the list wouldn't be short at all considering just the cpu;]. Unfortunately your GPU is painfully slow, not really build for playing games and would block your fps in most even those lighter ones.

There is quite a bunch of things you can try to rise your fps, but make note, nothing will guarantee it, and potential speed increase heavilly depends on a game.

List of stuff to try:

- to begin, think twice if you really want to read alot, for little to no gain, as there's no matrix technology which would inject you with knowledge here, and althrough there's lots of stuff to try to increase speed, if your game is simply too demanding for your hardware it can turn completely pointless, if it happens that you want to run just one or two games in pcsx2, maybe better post it's title, and we'll simply answer your hardware is too slow for it, couse if you pray for 20 fps(O.o) it's most likely the case,

- if you're decided and have some time, read an officialguide or atleast open it and search(assuming you know how to search through page in your web browser) just for things you don't get from below, soo we don't need to bother explaining stuff in details,

- start by using recommended speedhacks, and checking "Native" in gsdx config with prefferably dx10 hardware renderer, also make sure to turn your windows power settings to full performance or something like that assuming you have enough cooling for your laptop, couse it will overheat easily with pcsx2,

- now stay back from any demanding games, if you try one of your games at pcsx2 with above settings and it'll be below 30 fps in the start, toss it away and try another one, probably 2D, ultra light games are your best try, PS2 games speed is locked to fps, in other words if you don't get max fps(50 for pal, 60 for ntsc), you can forget about fun experience,

- at the top of a window displaying your game you'll see EE/GS% if EE reaches 100%, you can try to get more fps using slider not-recommended speedhacks, just remember to experiment with them looking also at your game speed not just fps, as using them tends to give false fps readings(ie. game will be even slower than without them, but it'll show more fps), you can also try switching MicroVU to SuperVU, now if the GS is reaching 100% you can try using frame skipping, animation will be choppy, potentially it can also ruing the game graphics completely, but in best althrough rare scenario, it can increase your fps without turning the game unplayable, last but not least, if none of those two reaches 100%, go to GSdx config, and start by trying to switch option called "allow 8 bit textures" on and off and try the game with each as potentially it can be a speedup, but as well it can ruing your fps down, depending on game or even scene in game, pretty much last obvious thing to try would be setting internal res to "custom" and typing in some small value like 300x300, anything below the game's native and checking if it get's a boost from it(but it WILL ruin/blurry the graphics as a sure thing),

- if the above points were useless for you - wait for the better times aka serious upgrade to a system ment for playing games.
which pcsx2 is the fastest to u all
Are you reading any of the replies people post to help you? Cause it seems like you're just trolling or want an insta-super-omgz-solution with 0 effort from your part.
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