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Full Version: Kingdom Hearts 1 problem
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This is a very minor problem but annoying to me. When I use Direct3D11 (Hardware), I get these black lines in the text that shows on screen. When I switch to Direct3D11 (Software), these go away but the video quality drops greatly. I'm using a Kingdom Hearts ISO. I have tried changing the texture filters and resolution to try and fix this but nothing has worked. I am using PCSX2 0.9.8



(04-05-2012, 07:08 AM)Squall Leonhart Wrote: [ -> ]http://forums.pcsx2.net/search_new.php

answered a zillion times

I've been searching that for a while now and haven't found a solid fix yet. Changing the resolution to native works, but looks like *****. Is there anyway to fix this and still have it look decent? I also downloaded the latest revision but it didn't help.
if u use this gsdx version from this link it will probably fix it, but meh its old and inconvenient, I would just make do with the black lines if it was me =/

guliverkli.sourceforge.net/GSdxv1-14.zip (As can be found in Gabest' first post on the GSDX thread)
(04-05-2012, 06:05 PM)FinalSquall Wrote: [ -> ]if u use this gsdx version from this link it will probably fix it, but meh its old and inconvenient, I would just make do with the black lines if it was me =/

guliverkli.sourceforge.net/GSdxv1-14.zip (As can be found in Gabest' first post on the GSDX thread)

Didn't work.
Scratch that, it didn't work.
This happens with a number of games and is caused becuase the game wasnt ent to run in anything but native and it screws up the text becuase of that. Also happens with Final Fantasy X. I havent played many games considering my pc is far to weak for most of them. I just dont let the issue bug me.
Not entirely sure why u said didnt work twice, but it did fix it for me, however, it might have been the paticular point I tested it at. I also just grin and bear this problem, it is very minor and using a plugin that outdated is never going to be good =/
The problem is from the upscale process itself.
Your only chance to fix the alignment problems while keeping upscaling enabled is one of the recently added hacks.
Rama those still dont fully work right as I still get the issue with the games I have tried it with. Games include Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+, Final Fantasy X Int. Games still have the issue badly.
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