Wanted to ask if anyone knows how compatable it is/isn't with pcsx2 09.9? I can't find it listed anywhere on the compatability list.
Compatibility List > Search > Spyro :
It seems that as of the 7th of January, 2011 the game was only able to get to the intro.
Orange lol 
Why don't you try it first and came back here if you got problems? 
you guys (and girl) are fast
We were teammates..(as if) 
But I love to read Squall's posts...
oops can't believe i actually missed that on the list, sorry about that. Guess i'll load it up anyway and see what happens.
If you haven't noticed, I'm just a very active member.
And yes, me and Archerko are TOTALLY teammates
I've made about 275 posts in less than a month O.o and this isn't a super active forum. I didn't realize that.
I tried it too and it doesn't work yet even with the new SVN sadly. If I could I would've played at the first Spyro but I don't have it :<