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Full Version: Best Way To Record PCSX2?
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Hello Users!

I'm just wondering, what would be the best possible outcome of recording the PCSX2 Emulator on my rig? (Specs are in my signature)

I do have a Happauge HD Gaming Edition, and was thinking of getting a splitter and running the computer output to it; but that seems a little messy and I think there are better alternatives.

Open for suggestions, anything, thanks Smile
There's an in-built recorder in PCSX2, on F12 I think. You could try fraps as well. Both of those don't require any external hardware, however fraps could potentially cause the emulator to lag.

It'd be better to use the in-built recorder since it automatically speeds up the video to the frame rate it's supposed to be (depends whether the game is PAL or NTSC).
(08-30-2012, 10:44 PM)Ravin1337 Wrote: [ -> ]There's an in-built recorder in PCSX2, on F12 I think. You could try fraps as well. Both of those don't require any external hardware, however fraps could potentially cause the emulator to lag.

It'd be better to use the in-built recorder since it automatically speeds up the video to the frame rate it's supposed to be (depends whether the game is PAL or NTSC).

So, the inbuilt one should be okay? Any specific Codec at all to get the best outcome? I want to potentially get some raw power quality and then upload.
(08-30-2012, 10:46 PM)Luke_H Wrote: [ -> ]Hello.

So, the inbuilt one should be okay? Any specific Codec at all to get the best outcome? I want to potentially get some raw power quality and then upload.
Not sure what codec it records in but it's good if your rig isn't powerful.

Like I said, if your computer can handle running the emu and fraps at the same time without the FPS dropping too much, then that might be a better choice. If not, F12 is your friend.

EDIT: Just tried using it and it allows you to pick the codec you want to record in but it records the sound separately as a .wav file if I read it right.
(08-30-2012, 10:49 PM)Ravin1337 Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure what codec it records in but it's good if your rig isn't powerful.

Like I said, if your computer can handle running the emu and fraps at the same time without the FPS dropping too much, then that might be a better choice. If not, F12 is your friend.

EDIT: Just tried using it and it allows you to pick the codec you want to record in but it records the sound separately as a .wav file if I read it right.
Okay, I'll get a Trial copy of Fraps and see how it fairs, if it is proving amazing then I'll purchase a copy of it.

I'm quite tech savvy, but when it comes to emulation and software, no chance. Will my rig have enough "oomph" to record at a high framerate on the emulator?
(08-30-2012, 10:52 PM)Luke_H Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, I'll get a Trial copy of Fraps and see how it fairs, if it is proving amazing then I'll purchase a copy of it.

I'm quite tech savvy, but when it comes to emulation and software, no chance. Will my rig have enough "oomph" to record at a high framerate on the emulator?
It depends on what you're playing.

I don't know enough about the capacity of processors and GPUs when it comes to emulation so it's pretty much trial and error unless someone else can tell you (I'm not very tech savvy Tongue)
(08-30-2012, 10:54 PM)Ravin1337 Wrote: [ -> ]It depends on what you're playing.

I don't know enough about the capacity of processors and GPUs when it comes to emulation so it's pretty much trial and error unless someone else can tell you (I'm not very tech savvy Tongue)
Okay, cheers for your input anyway ;P I'll compat check my games before even attempting to play them Laugh
There isn't much difference between Fraps and the build in recorder when using "Uncompressed" for video compressor.
Well, they both output RGB so yeah. But most video format works best with YV12 color space and if you want to upload it to youtube then might as well put it on the very first chain to save space, I recommend vfw-x264 lossless.
(08-31-2012, 01:10 AM)naoan Wrote: [ -> ]Well, they both output RGB so yeah. But most video format works best with YV12 color space and if you want to upload it to youtube then might as well put it on the very first chain to save space, I recommend vfw-x264 lossless.
Cheers Tongue I'll be looking at all solutions, seems like a Trial and Error test to me! Laugh