how to make it load faster i keep getting 20-30 fps i want highest fps and run the game smoothly and more fun.... it will be nice if u show some screenshot for setting it up to make it faster... i not sure i am missing some haha and please help me and i will be graceful

If you can't run disgaea, your pc must be pretty weak. In that case you should stick to your ps2.
it's highly possible that his comp is a AGP and Socket P era.
(01-31-2009, 12:53 AM)stfb1055 Wrote: [ -> ]how to make it load faster i keep getting 20-30 fps i want highest fps and run the game smoothly and more fun.... it will be nice if u show some screenshot for setting it up to make it faster... i not sure i am missing some haha and please help me and i will be graceful 
(01-31-2009, 01:37 AM)stpdrgstr Wrote: [ -> ]If you can't run disgaea, your pc must be pretty weak. In that case you should stick to your ps2.
i have pentium dual core t2330 1.60ghz and i can run disgaea (pal) well with good graphics/sound at 60fps! get your specs and your settings and what version too. good luck with it all *shrugs*