I've been trying diffrent settings for better performance and am not getting the results i expect from my rig. any config sugestions would be nice heres what i have
Windows 7 home premium service pack 1 32 bit
intel core 2 quad cpu Q6700 @2.66Hz
graphics-nvidia 8900GT
can run current gen games fine on my PC so i would expect the PS2 would fly i suspect it could be my config tried the guide but doesn't show much improvement. thank you!
1st dont compare emulation with pc gaming, its way more demanding
2nd what games are you trying to play and what settings do you use currently?
3rd THERE IS A 8900GT!? xD
Primarily Z.O.E 2nd Runner
im planning to get a better card but it runs blender runs great looking for a second first.
(02-06-2013, 03:57 AM)Lament9 Wrote: [ -> ]Primarily Z.O.E 2nd Runner
im planning to get a better card but it runs blender runs great looking for a second first.
yeah your not getting fullspeed on that game with that rig, zoe 2 is one of the most demanding games out there for the pcsx2.
native resolution and EEcycle rate to 2 and mtvu hack is all you can do basicaly.
your better off playing on your ps2 for now until you either overclock that cpu to 3.6ghz+ and a good videocard to back it up otherwise you have to deal with the slowdowns.
heres some of my settings
that sucks. i figured its be pretty demanding my ps2 is down for the count and the HD re-release is only the first on which i like but the second on smokes it.
thanks for the help! sorry about my grammar typing too fast.
why do you have mvu flag hack disabled? -,-
enable it and vucyclce stealing to 1, not really usefull in the game and it wont help in terms of perfomance in this game much (if at all)
on the graphics plugin (which you didnt post >.>) use native resolution, that is probably for the better.