Just wondering. I think it'd be great to have a 64-bit version of PCSX2.
But there's probably some kind of reasoning about it that I'm not yet aware of. I figure someone will reply telling me what it is.
Let's say we won't go 64 bits without a really good reason.
We all agree that it'd be nice to have the option but it will mean a lot of work
and in the end the emu could be less compatible, crash more, run slower.
So unless it somehow becomes necessary to do it, we won't.
But if the Emu would run through x64, do you still need the 4 gb patches for some games?

I myself thought that even with a 4GB patch it still can't use more than 1 CPU, though I guess MTvU fixes that
Is there such thing as an 8GB or 12GB patch or would that really help any? I have a 16GB system.
Is it possible to do this yourself by writing a run script in a batch file? I know I can do this with Java (EG: "java -Xms128M -Xmx14G -jar craftbukkit.jar")
Oh, and on the side, just thought I'd mention that Kingdom Hearts 2 has definitely taken a performance hit recently. I also experienced a crash in The World That Never Was.
(04-28-2013, 03:09 PM)StriFe79 Wrote: [ -> ]But if the Emu would run through x64, do you still need the 4 gb patches for some games? 
What games require 4 GB patches?
(04-28-2013, 03:34 PM)Alexander Wrote: [ -> ]I myself thought that even with a 4GB patch it still can't use more than 1 CPU, though I guess MTvU fixes that
Oh, and on the side, just thought I'd mention that Kingdom Hearts 2 has definitely taken a performance hit recently. I also experienced a crash in The World That Never Was.
Currently, it can use up to 3 cores with MTVU enabled. What performance hit for Kingdom Hearts 2? I played it using software mode with full speed. No slowdown.
xemnas99 Wrote:What games require 4 GB patches?
I don't think any
require them, but games like Zone of the Enders prove tough on performance.
xemnas99 Wrote:Currently, it can use up to 3 cores with MTVU enabled. What performance hit for Kingdom Hearts 2? I played it using software mode with full speed. No slowdown.
I'm using Hardware Mode. I suppose problems in Hardware Mode won't be taken as seriously as ones in Software Mode though, since the focus of PCSX2 is to get all games working at native PS2 settings, not "Get PS2 games working at higher-than-PS2 settings".
I tried setting back Full to Normal in the EE/IOP and Extra + Preserve Sign to Normal in VU and it helped a little.
Or maybe I'm just under illusion. I should try turning off frame limiting and test it. Sometimes I trick myself, thinking there's problems in places there's not. But I still got a crash in The World That Never Was.
Would like to see the MvU upgraded to work with 4 - 6 cores later

my fourth core could help out a lot.
By the way, I don't really understand what threads / virtual cores vs physical cores is. The hell is a virtual core? Apparently my system has 4 physical cords and 8 "threads" and 8 "virtual cores". I don't really get it.
windows can already run x86 programs on a x64 system fairly well, so i dont see what the fuss is about. compiling x86 source code on x64 linux is a totally different beast though.

Patching a game to flag it as 64 bits may help in some cases because there is not the memory limitation but that's not the same as developing for 64 bits, no instruction from the x64 set is used, so the program becomes 64 bits aware but not a 64 bits program at all.
But yes, a few games were found to need the 64 bits patch least sending messages of out of memory, the actual causes I don't know for sure, could be anything, even memory leak, let's not speculate.