Hey guys, so here's my problem. I have pcsx2 1.1.0 and I've been playing FFX SLUS-20312. So far they game has ran smoothly and no issues. I'm currently at the North Thunder Plains and every time I get into a battle after my save point the screens goes black then it goes to [attachment=44051]. I have speed hacks disabled and all other configs besides the video (gs) which is on direct3D11 have been left alone. If you guys could help me out I would appreciate it, thanks. [attachment=44052]
are you sure that emulog is from AFTER it crashes? I've never seen it do that though. There is a bug with the Thunder Plains but normally the screen just goes black and it stays there (This was a problem on the real PS2 as well), but i've never heard of it outright rebooting.
yeah that's the emulog.txt after it crashes and yeah the screen just goes black then reboots the emulator

All i can suggest is try playing with the EE/VU clamping and the EE Timing Fix, see if anything helps.
ok cool, i'll try that and let you know. thanks
Sorry it took so long, just got off work. Ugh, so yeah I set the EE/IOP clamping to "Extra + Preserve Sign" and also the VU clamping to the same setting as well and also enabled the EE timing fix. Still nothing

Ok so I finally got it to work after playing around with it. Apparently all I needed to do was switch out my part members after my save point for some reason. If I continued on with the current part members I saved it with then it would freeze afterwards but now I'm moving along smoothly. Thanks for the help though guys.
Glad you got it sorted

for the sake of if this pops up again, can you tell us who you had in your party and who you swapped to, it might help others.
The other solution is to equip that peace charm thingy which stops random encounters while you're in the thunder plains.
Yeah I had Tidus, Wakka, and Auron as my party members when it was freezing so I switched it out to Rikku, Lulu, and Kamari and it worked fine getting me through the Thunder Plains. Once again thanks for the help

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