I really didn't know where to go with this problem so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place. Basically I just downloaded pcsx2 and I was following the guide to installation on the front page up until the BIOS dumper section came up. I searched the internet and found the thing you supposedly need but it doesn't do anything. I open it and its got just a few things in it,nothing seems to match what the tutorial shows. Is anyone willing to help me with this? I've never used an emulator before so I have no idea what to do and it's quite frustrating.
Thanks if anyone can give me help.
Keep searching. There's a site where you can download all of the Bios needed for any game.
(05-09-2013, 01:13 AM)Shadowprince Wrote: [ -> ]Keep searching. There's a site where you can download all of the Bios needed for any game.
I'm not even too sure what I'm searching for. I've done all the tutorial has asked me to do and it's just not working the same as in the video. I thought the BIOS thing was something you just needed to search for once,not something you have to do to play every single game.
You need to pull the bios file from your own Playstation 2, without it or a downloaded one you have no right to ask for help here

Read Rule number 1 of these forum rules

(05-09-2013, 01:17 AM)StriFe79 Wrote: [ -> ]You need to pull the bios file from your own Playstation 2, without it or a downloaded one you have no right to ask for help here
Read Rule number 1 of these forum rules 
And yet you just insinuated for him to download one?
Isn't this all illegal, and should be closed by now?
(05-09-2013, 03:39 AM)ItsGreat Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't this all illegal, and should be closed by now?
Generally it's frowned on to make posts like this. If you think there is a problem with the topic, just click the report button and let the mods sort it out.
Answer given, retarded guy promoting piracy...
Yeah, closed.