Hmmmm...where do I start...
first the character just vanish into thin air..just vanish but the emulator is still running and I still can see that (below, right of the screen) there is a kind of compass that still changing if I press something. Just like...the character is not rendered and the camera/object is not moving anywhere but somehow it is still there.
This happens in front of the glass where you can see the manta-ray-liked monsters moving. This is still in the hospital.
I am using one of the latest display plugins : GSdx 890 (MSVC 15.00, SSE2) 0.1.14
I hope this information will be useful for the further development of the emulator.
Keep up the good work.
Hmmmm...Ok...more information about this..I have done just try and error...this is the smoothest (fastest) setting without shaking, etc.
I am using q6600, ATI HD3850, Win Vista Business 64bit.
cpu settings all check with normal - all frames are rendered as fast as possible.
bios : USA v02.00(14/06/2004) console
no patches.
Grafics settings :
Direct3D9 (hardware)
Pixel shader 2.0
Weave bff (saw-tooth)
Wait vsync
alpha correction.
and...oh yeah....during gameplay.
small rendering errors do appears (not the bug I am reporting) but still playable.
slowing down does exist untill 23fps...but still playable..
You should try running in dirextX10 mode or at the very least change to pixel shader 3.0 on the the graphics plugin.
Alsoat what point in the game does this happen and what are the other plugin settings.
When using DX9 in Gsdx, always always turn on Logrithmic Z. It will fix tons of graphical errors, and may solve the problems you're experiencing here.
Do you have D3D native turned on?
ok, first thing, read the stickies and edit the first post and title, or I will close and move the topic.
Then, try gsdx in software mode and zerogs, and see if it still happens many answers only in a few moments...thank you very much....I'll try to change the settings like suggested by you all, and see what'll happen.
@Krakatos..which part should I edit in the first post?...I'll try to find which stickies..
Thank you everyone. is what I've tried so far..
1. GSdx 890 (MSVC 15.00, SSE2) 0.1.14 and GSdx 890 (MSVC 15.00, SSSE3) 0.1.14...pixel shader 2 and 3....on dx9 and dx10..both hardware...with and wihout logarithmic z on....bug still never freezes, fast, and software never crashes..
2. Same settings but with software dx9 and 10...bug still there...
3. All zerogs with many settings changed...many wrong rendered freezes after 1-2 minutes...
4. With GSdx9 (MSVC 14.00, SSE2) 0.10.0..direct3d..palletize textured enable...slow max 40 fps during gameplay...wrong rendered character outside battle..wrong letters pop out..pcsx2 stop working tell microsoft about it : after 2-4 minutes...
D3D native was never on...I don't know if this help...will try that one out..
Hmmm...I have tried using pcsx2 TLB...I don't know what that is...but the bug is gone.. freezes as I see dante for the first time....only part of him though (gun and part of red outfit) right after defeating the first I have to rearrange the settings again?