02-10-2009, 09:24 PM
02-10-2009, 09:56 PM
OK, I have had enough of your topics.
You have opened 27 topics. Of these 10 are "does game x work?".
The others were mostly other useless topics, like
- please make game x work topics
- bug reports which were either NOT bugs, or not respecting the forum rules.
Want to know if game x works? Try it, since you HAVE to own it in order to try it.
And do me a favor, do not spam the forums. Thanks.
And yes, I'm closing this topic, if you want you can go all "ohh what an evil mod". And I won't care a bit.
You have opened 27 topics. Of these 10 are "does game x work?".
The others were mostly other useless topics, like
- please make game x work topics
- bug reports which were either NOT bugs, or not respecting the forum rules.
Want to know if game x works? Try it, since you HAVE to own it in order to try it.
And do me a favor, do not spam the forums. Thanks.
And yes, I'm closing this topic, if you want you can go all "ohh what an evil mod". And I won't care a bit.