Hello all, I'm brand new to the pcsx2 forums although I've been using pcsx2 for a little over a year now. I finally decided to join because I recently got my gaming laptop and I'm having some problems getting the games to run properly. Any help would be highly appreciated.
System Specs:
Laptop: Asus R500V
OS: Windows 8 64bit
Processor: Intel i7-2670 QM @ 2.20 Ghz
Ram: 16 GB DDR 3
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 635M-2GB dedicated DDR 3
PCSX2 Version: Settings
You have almost the same specs as I do.
You can set the GS plugin up to 3x without real problems. Turn off HW Hacks and 8-bit textures. Turn on all the rest. If you have any problems, run it at native resolution.
Interpolation: It's pretty much stable at any setting but it's safest to be at 2-3. If the game is demanding though, set it at 1.
You can tweek with Speed Hacks in the Emulation settings until you find the right setting. Just make sure to turn on MTVU.
Those are the settings that work best for me. Sorry if the post is messy.
What would you recommend? SSSE3 or SSSE4? DX9 or DX 10? Sorry for asking so many questions, I;m trying to get shinobi working like ps2 would :-/.
I think SSE41 would be best along with DX9. DX10 will offer slightly sharper images, but, it can slow down sometime.
And you're welcome to ask as many question as you want, it's what the forums are for ^_^
Much appreciated :-). I still don't know what speed hacks I should run. I EE set to 2, and VU set to one with all speed hacks enabled excluding fast CD.The textures are giving me a slight issue too, but that may be due to the fact that it's set to DX10.
I'm also using using Linuz ISO which seemed to helped the loading a bit.
Once again, which games? There is no universal setting that will work with all games, and some speedhacks work well with some games ane cause more issues than when not used in others.
I also have multiple adapters. I have:
Default Hardware Device
Reference Device
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Nvidia GeForce GT 635M
Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Which should I use?
(06-12-2013, 05:40 AM)Dante3hs Wrote: [ -> ]Once again, which games? There is no universal setting that will work with all games, and some speedhacks work well with some games ane cause more issues than when not used in others.
Ooooooooooooooooh. Sorry about that. Shinobi and Crash Twinsanity. Street fighter 3rd strike works great under pretty much any setting as does Marvel Versus Capcom 2.
Always run the NVIDIA. You don't want anything else, it's a horrible experience.
Always Use nvidia Geforce in adapter option.
Gs plugin-sse41
aspect ratio-16:9
enable shade boost (optional) u can set contrast,brightness etc here
Enable hw hacks if necessary for any game.btw i always keep it ticked & my options are
alpha,sprite,half-pixel offset,wild arms offset ticked
i know some games may have glitches with that.
So disable them if u want.
Skipdraw @ 1 should be no problem & it make some games fast.if any problem occur,disable it.
Set extra rendering threads to 2 (For software mode)
Press F9 in game for software mode.Press F9 again for revert back to hardware mode.
tick edge anti-aliasing
Tick-untick allow 8 bit textures (in some games fast,in some games slow) test it u'rself.
Recommended speedhacks on
sliders = 0
Tick mtvu multi threaded vu hack in speedhacks (recommended if 3+ cores )
Emulation settings-Gs window-aspect ratio-widescreen (16:9)
rest are all default,hope these settings will work for u