06-27-2013, 12:49 AM
06-27-2013, 12:51 AM
edit pcsx2.ini and you should find the list in it
edit pcsx2.ini and you should find the list in it
06-27-2013, 01:12 PM
Or use frontend launcher for pcsx2
Ps2 lunch or pcsx2 bonus
they have lot of options e.g different configuration for different game,display game images,assign memory card etc etc.
also games not appear in iso browser of pcsx2.
u can launch them directly from these launchers.
they're in tools/applications/homebrew section
Ps2 lunch or pcsx2 bonus
they have lot of options e.g different configuration for different game,display game images,assign memory card etc etc.
also games not appear in iso browser of pcsx2.
u can launch them directly from these launchers.
they're in tools/applications/homebrew section