ive tried quite a few different revisions, and id say r5480 is probably the most stable ive seen, but im not sure if any others are better for them.
Ok my system specs are
8GB of ddr3-1866 9-10-9-27
Gtx 760
windows 8 x64
I leave most settings on defaults. Use DX11 at native resolution with texture filtering off. I have hardware rendering threads set to 8.
I have mtvu speedhack enabled. but i left EE cycle rate and vu cycle stealing at normal.
im using pokopom and an xbox360 guitar controller.
All of the guitar heros have video problems running in hardware mode, so i press F9 to change to software.
This fixes all the issues but even with 8 rendering threads it STILL lags lol
Im just wondering what else i should be changing. Ive tried turning VU cycle stealing to 2 and it helps alittle bit but not enough.
The only way i can get the game full speed or close to it is by having frame skip at draw 2 and skip 2, but it throws off the game completely lol
There is no such thing as hardware rendering threads. There are SOFTWARE rendering threads.
8 Threads is also way too many, not only does it have diminishing returns, but setting that many threads can actually cause issues. The 8350 also doesn't have 8 real cores... it has 4 modules with AMD's equivalent to hyperthreading (slightly better in implementation). You'd be better off setting threads to 3-4. That likely won't fix the speed though... the only real solution is to overclock. You can try any number of other speed hacks, but since most of those affect timing and timing is absolutely necessary for rhythm games there likely isn't much else you can do.
The FX chips do have 8 actual physical cores on the die, it's just the manner in which the front-end feeds the cores is the problem. So even though you have the 8 cores, you're not getting 100% of the performance of those cores due to the shared decoder.
Anyway, what Koji said.
The only GH I've tried on PCSX2 is GH2, and I didn't have any problems with the graphics. The problem I had was getting the game to respond correctly to my Rock Band Stratocaster controller. I think I'll give it another go at some point since I think I have it figured out.
The revision I was on was a lot more recent than the one you said you tried, so I guess try the latest SVN? Don't know how GH1/80's/3/4 would perform though.
(08-11-2013, 01:15 AM)Koji Wrote: [ -> ]There is no such thing as hardware rendering threads. There are SOFTWARE rendering threads.
8 Threads is also way too many, not only does it have diminishing returns, but setting that many threads can actually cause issues. The 8350 also doesn't have 8 real cores... it has 4 modules with AMD's equivalent to hyperthreading (slightly better in implementation). You'd be better off setting threads to 3-4. That likely won't fix the speed though... the only real solution is to overclock. You can try any number of other speed hacks, but since most of those affect timing and timing is absolutely necessary for rhythm games there likely isn't much else you can do.
well thats for going through such lengths to correct a typo :/
and the fx8350 has 8 threads... threads do help with parallelism so reguardless if you have the cores and resources to back it up, having more rendering threads will increase performance regardless of how small.
settings threads to lower isnt going to increase performance. It may be giving almost no performance benefit, but lowering it surely wont help in speed at all.
i was just wondering if there was a few settings in which may improve speed in software rendering mode.
As GH3 (and i think metallica did too) always crashes in hw mode when you load a song.
but i guess thanks for taking your time to answer even though most of it is needlessly redundant useless information :/
I see...
I dont get why you opend a thread when :
- you're obviously confused between the use of cores & threads.
- you're not looking for an advice and already know the answer to your problem.
Pointless thread. Closed.