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Full Version: help, my savestates can't be loaded
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(08-27-2013, 05:46 AM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]in short, savestates named SLUS24088**** will only load with 1st disc inserted whereas the last one is a savestate for 2nd disc.
you can't "fix" it. Just load the appropriate save with the appropriate disc

your suggestion work, but it still bothers me, that savestate was made when i play the 2nd disk and with 2nd disk inserted, now why i have to use 1st disk to load it?
if i make another save state, do i need to use 1st disk to load it?
when you make a savestate, the file's automatically named with a pattern using disc id.

A wild guess though : it looks like you patched your game with an undub patch.
Did you start the game without applyin the patch, then patched your game and tried to load the savestate previoulsy made ? Because I've heard about some patches that mess the disc ids...
(08-27-2013, 06:09 AM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]no.
when you make a savestate, the file's automatically named with a pattern using disc id.

A wild guess though : it looks like you patched your game with an undub patch.
Did you start the game without applyin the patch, then patched your game and tried to load the savestate previoulsy made ? Because I've heard about some patches that mess the disc ids...

i don't really understand about patching stuff, but the game is indeed undub, i just download it, extract it and play it
I see.
Have a warning for piracy, then.
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