I'm using PCSX2 1.0 and xbox 360 controller.
In Persona 4 and Kingdom Hearts the character doesn't sprint if the analog is not moved in a straight direction - Up, down, left and right but lets say if I move to Up-Right it only walks, what's the problem?
BTW plugin is Lilypad 0.11.0
(09-03-2013, 05:20 PM)Dizzee Wrote: [ -> ]I'm using PCSX2 1.0 and xbox 360 controller.
In Persona 4 and Kingdom Hearts the character doesn't sprint if the analog is not moved in a straight direction - Up, down, left and right but lets say if I move to Up-Right it only walks, what's the problem?
BTW plugin is Lilypad 0.11.0
This seems to be a common trait with x-box controllers, you just need to adjust the sensitivity of the analog sticks in lilypad.
Alright it seems like sensitivity had to be set to 1.330, found it using google. Thanks Koji, you get +1 rep.
No problem, like I said it seems to be a pretty common problem with how much more sensitive the PS2/3's analogs are compared to the standard x-box controller. Or I guess more accurately, the greater range of them. A few common PC controllers have a similar issue. Luckily I just use my PS3 controller