09-09-2013, 08:31 PM
I have this problem only in Outbreak 2 where some interactable objects like crates are invisible. If you know where they are you can still move them but you can't see them. I haven't tried much of the first Outbreak so I don't know if it's a problem in that one too.
My GS plugin is GSDX 5334 AVX and I have Renderer set to Direct 3D11 (hardware). If I set it to Software all the objects appear but the game looks horrible as if it was in native resolution. My processor speed is 2.4 GHz and my graphics card is 128MB integrated. I know that sounds bad but both Outbreaks play very well on my pc even at 2x native res and with a widescreen patch on and they both run at full speed without any other graphics problems. Those are the only games I've tried that work like that so I guess I'm lucky lol. Anyway do you guys have a suggestion to fix this?
My GS plugin is GSDX 5334 AVX and I have Renderer set to Direct 3D11 (hardware). If I set it to Software all the objects appear but the game looks horrible as if it was in native resolution. My processor speed is 2.4 GHz and my graphics card is 128MB integrated. I know that sounds bad but both Outbreaks play very well on my pc even at 2x native res and with a widescreen patch on and they both run at full speed without any other graphics problems. Those are the only games I've tried that work like that so I guess I'm lucky lol. Anyway do you guys have a suggestion to fix this?