Having trouble running the game, it occasionally freezes during cutscenes, has slowdowns majority of the time, and the audio is very laggy. If it is my laptop then that's fine but if not I'd love to try to get this working properly. I have:
PCSX2 0.9.8
Windows 7 Home 64 bit
Phenom II N950 Quad-Core Processor ~2.1GHz
DirectX 11
Radeon HD 5650
If any other information is needed I'll provide it but I think that covers the main bases. New to PCSX2 so I apologize if the problem ends up being something really obvious. Thanks ahead of time for the help!
start by updating pcsx2
0.9.8 is old and unsupported.
1.0.0? Just got done trying that and nothing seems to have changed.
Well it seemed to be running much more smoothly, but after I finished a battle it seems to have froze. Also the screen is shaking up and down, and the battle music just stops playing a few seconds in. I appreciate the help so far.
I don't know if this specific game behaves well with MTVU hack enabled... Maybe you could try a later svn.
About the shaking : cycle through interlace modes to find one that suits you (F5 Key)
you'll probably have to experiment different speedhacks combinations to get better results. But keep in mind 2.1 Ghz is overall slow for pcsx2 and maybe you won't get better.
Okay thanks for the help, I will just have to mess with it some more. If all else fails, then yeah I guess it's just my processor haha oh well.
hey, i was just stopping by to see if anyone had posted any legitimate help with my graphics glitches in tod2 and i noticed your post
i just finished tod: dc recently myself and the cutscene freezing and after-battle/change-screen crashing can be fixed with a cheat/patch file
do some googling and you should find it
be sure to drop it into the "cheats" directory/folder for pcsx2, enable cheats, and reboot the image after the initial bootup of tod: dc
i made it to the end of the game after doing all that