First time poster. For the most part, this emulator is the best part of owning a fancy new computer. I've been playing through Persona 4 again, this time with triple the native resolution and 16x anti aliasing, among other graphical tweaks. It really makes the textures super-clear, and there are very few glitches.
Naturally, I felt like trying more of my games in the emulator, so I tried my Contra: Shattered Soldier disc. However, the BIOS says that the disc isn't Playstation or PS2 format, and I find the following in the console:
SYSTEM.CNF Unusual or malformed entry in SYSTEM.CNF ignored:
GetElfName Disc image is not a Playstation or PS2 game!
This is rather bizarre. The game works fine in my PS2 proper and is perfectly playable (save for fairly long load times for some reason). Any suggestions as to why this would occur? Should I get a more recent revision of the emulator?
I appreciate any feedback you all can give me.
Hello, this is the first time I write. I do not speak English.
It happens the same with the Contra SS. but I'm using the 5726 version.
before using the Version 5701 without any problem. probe the 5350 and it works well. I have a pentium dual core and nvidia 8400 gs. patches can be which could cause this.?
Contra SS comes on a ps2 format cd rather than a dvd, so that may be part of it.
(09-25-2013, 01:02 AM)k3nny1550 Wrote: [ -> ]First time poster. For the most part, this emulator is the best part of owning a fancy new computer. I've been playing through Persona 4 again, this time with triple the native resolution and 16x anti aliasing, among other graphical tweaks. It really makes the textures super-clear, and there are very few glitches.
Naturally, I felt like trying more of my games in the emulator, so I tried my Contra: Shattered Soldier disc. However, the BIOS says that the disc isn't Playstation or PS2 format, and I find the following in the console:
SYSTEM.CNF Unusual or malformed entry in SYSTEM.CNF ignored:
GetElfName Disc image is not a Playstation or PS2 game!
This is rather bizarre. The game works fine in my PS2 proper and is perfectly playable (save for fairly long load times for some reason). Any suggestions as to why this would occur? Should I get a more recent revision of the emulator?
I appreciate any feedback you all can give me.
Hi there, I have two ideas to test that might help, first, try to get a ISO file from your CD and let the emulator read it directly, and second, try another kind of BIOS for the emulator.
(09-25-2013, 04:18 PM)Zomdark Wrote: [ -> ]and second, try another kind of BIOS for the emulator.
That would mean he owns more than 1 PS2...
I wouldn't recommend that
could be a friend's one

just for testing purposes

(09-25-2013, 04:48 PM)Zomdark Wrote: [ -> ]could be a friend's one
just for testing purposes 
that's a grey area.
Anyways, unless he actually owns the very first JP model (which is extremely rare), any other bios is fine.
I think the BIOS in my emulator is from V1.20 USA. This was from an older install of the emulator I did on my previous computer. Since I have a newer PS2 now then I did then, I guess I should dump a fresh BIOS. (My newer PS2 is one of the later PS2 Slimline models, running v2.0 drivers for the most part, since I acquired it in 2010.)
"Why would you own two of the same console?" I hear you ask. Well, sometimes things break. I currently own two Dreamcasts as well. One was my first and my aunt gave it to me, but the disc drive's potentiometer broke after I had to adjust it a few times to get the thing to spin discs again. Then I bought a second off my friend at a bargain price because he had bought one at random while stoned. (I don't know the story, so don't ask.)
(09-25-2013, 05:09 PM)k3nny1550 Wrote: [ -> ]I think the BIOS in my emulator is from V1.20 USA. This was from an older install of the emulator I did on my previous computer. Since I have a newer PS2 now then I did then, I guess I should dump a fresh BIOS. (My newer PS2 is one of the later PS2 Slimline models, running v2.0 drivers for the most part, since I acquired it in 2010.)
"Why would you own two of the same console?" I hear you ask. Well, sometimes things break. I currently own two Dreamcasts as well. One was my first and my aunt gave it to me, but the disc drive's potentiometer broke after I had to adjust it a few times to get the thing to spin discs again. Then I bought a second off my friend at a bargain price because he had bought one at random while stoned. (I don't know the story, so don't ask.)
I don't think anyone asked

It's very reasonable over the course of 10 years to have had 2 of the same console. You don't even want to know how many DSes I've had over the years (phat, light, a second light, DSi, DSi XL)
You shouldn't have to update your bios. Your bios is not the issue unless it some how got corrupted (moving between PCs this is possible but still pretty unlikely).
It wouldn't hurt if one day we were able to compile the CRCs of all known good dump bios for just such occasions.
BIOS dumps are a pain in the ass, so I'd like to avoid doing that again if possible. So, for ripping the ISO, would I be using something like Alcohol 120%?