Revision r5212 the last when this game had correct graphics and no missing characters. I can't test 5213, since there is no build, but 5214 already bad.
Turning CRC hacks off doesn't helps in any latest revisions.
#GameFixes disabled, speed hacks disabled.
#Gsdx 9 and 11 used. Hardware renderings both bugged, software rendering is fine.
I beat this game using 1.0 awhile back so I know it works without this issue. Is there a pressing reason you need to use unstable version?
um... I just want pcsx2 to be able to emulate it correctly

(10-02-2013, 08:35 PM)Kosmos Wrote: [ -> ]um... I just want pcsx2 to be able to emulate it correctly 
actually it does emulate it correctly since it works in software mode.
trying to add hardware mode's enhancements is a bit glitchy. But those are "enhancements", it has nothing to do with accurate emulation
Err. It would still be a regression, and should be reported.
That said, I can't reproduce this in rev 5622 as well as 5730, with 2x scaling and texture filtering enabled. See attached image.
So it's likely an issue on your end, OP. Start with posting your emulog.txt as well as emulation and GSdx settings.
(10-03-2013, 02:09 AM)Eloris Wrote: [ -> ]Err. It would still be a regression, and should be reported.
as a plugin problem, then.
That's not even close to a pcsx2 bug.
Doesn't seem much as plugin problem either

, the supposedly faulty revision only added skipdraw hacks and nothing else. While pcsx2 CRC system is pretty weak and duplicates does happen which in case of skipdraw hacks would almost certainly ruin the game when applied without need, disable CRC hacks would help.(Unless the op checked "disable CRC hacks" without checking "enable HW hacks" which wouldn't work and it might be a bit confusing when disabling hacks IS actually also listed as hack. :X)
Anyway it's easy to check IF it is related to CRC hacks, just compare your CRC with
this list. If it's not there, I'm fairy sure it CANNOT be caused by r5214, unless I didn't saw any non CRC hack while checking this commit briefly just now
